BOSS Reporting

Gain Insights, Track Progress with the BOSS Reporting Module

Make Better, More Informed Business Decisions with Useful and Easy-to-Understand Data

Discover a world of comprehensive information and data-driven insights with our BOSS Reporting Module. Understanding your business data is crucial for future growth, and the BOSS Reporting Module empowers you to do just that.

Gain Insights, Track Progress with the BOSS Reporting Module

Knowledge is power!

Broker's Commission and Payment Overview

Detailed Commission Report

The Detailed Commission Report provides you with every detail you need to know about your commission so you can track what was submitted versus what was paid by lenders.

Accounts Receivables & Balance Statement reports

The Accounts Receivables & Balance Statement reports show the funds to be received and the current balance of money owed versus the expected receivables at any given time.

Volume Report

Volume reports offer insights into your performance by comparing it with other months or years. Additionally, they help you identify your business volume with different lenders, enabling analysis of your partnerships and business relationships.

Discover More of Report Offerings

Insurance Report

Insurance sales reports offer insights into insurance-related transactions with our partners.

Equifax Report

Easily see all your credit report transactions with Equifax for a specific period.

Email Marketing Reports

Understanding the results of email communications sent to prospects & clients helps you identify what works and what you need to adjust for your next email marketing campaign.

Exclusive to M3 Group Brokers

Submit your deal to National Bank, the 6th biggest lender in Canada

The only way to access exclusive and competitive products offered by National Bank is via BOSS and the M3 Group. See for yourself how these give you a competitive edge against your competition!
*Certified brokers in Quebec and Ontario only

Access the power of the National Lender Desk Team directly via BOSS.

What can the National Lender Desk do for you? In their own words: “WE HANDLE THE LENDER SO YOU CAN FOCUS ON HELPING YOUR CUSTOMERS!”

Exclusif aux courtiers du groupe M3

Soumettez votre dossier à la Banque Nationale, le 6ème plus grand prêteur au Canada.

La seule façon d'accéder aux produits exclusifs et concurrentiels offerts par la Banque Nationale est via BOSS et le Groupe M3. Constatez par vous-même quel avantage concurrentiel vous aurez par rapport à vos concurrents !
*Courtiers certifiés du Québec et de l'Ontario seulement

Profitez directement des services de l'équipe d’Accès Prêteurs via BOSS.

Que peut faire l’Accès Prêteurs pour vous ? Selon leurs propres mots :  vous vous occupez de vos clients et nous nous occupons des prêteurs!

What our brokers have to say

Bringing on a new broker is always challenging. But, within just one week, they submitted deals and got BOSS approvals. No hassle. And as a team lead, I can help with coaching by reviewing deals from my dashboard!

Rosa Bovino

Mortgage Agent

Recent improvements to the customer portal make it an invaluable tool for increasing efficiency and improving the customer experience. The new portal is easy to use, both for brokers and their customers..

Hugo Fortier

Mortgage Broker

What I love the most about BOSS is its customer-focused and supports a strong communication & collaboration with my clients. The customer portal and document retrieval tool paired with all the easy-to-use features like CRA document & Bank Statement retrieval make things simpler & faster for everyone!

Ian Kirby

Mortgage Broker

Ce que disent nos courtiers

L'arrivée d'un nouveau courtier est toujours un défi. Mais en l'espace d'une semaine, ils ont soumis des dossiers et obtenu l'approbation dans BOSS. Aucun problème. Et en tant que chef d'équipe, je peux contribuer au coaching en examinant les transactions depuis mon tableau de bord !

Rosa Bovino

Agent hypothécaire

Les récentes améliorations apportées au portail client en font un outil précieux pour accroître l'efficacité et améliorer l'expérience des clients. Le nouveau portail est facile à utiliser, tant pour les courtiers que pour leurs clients...

Hugo Fortier

Courtier hypothécaire

Ce que j'aime le plus dans BOSS, c'est qu'il est axé sur le client et qu'il favorise une communication et une collaboration étroites avec mes clients. Le portail client et l'outil de recherche de documents, associés à toutes les fonctionnalités faciles à utiliser comme la recherche de documents de l'ARC et de relevés bancaires, rendent les choses plus simples et plus rapides pour tout le monde !

Ian Kirby

Courtier hypothécaire